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Card games

Calculate it!

Strand Number
Topic Addition
  • 1
  • < 5 mins
    Prep < 5 mins
  • < 5 mins
    Play < 5 mins
  • Pairs
Complexity: Medium
Teaching style: Guided
Movement level: Passive
Calculate it!


Students choose number pairs to create addition sentences for a target total. A cooperative game for problem solving and fact fluency.

Curriculum content

  • Record number sentences using words, numerals and the symbols +, - and =
  • Use efficient strategies for addition
  • Develop fluency in calculations


Card sets

  • 1 set of Mathletics number cards 0 to 20 0-20
  • Mathletics operation word or symbol cards ‘plus’, ‘minus’ and ‘equals’ or +, - and =

Calculate it!


  • Paper and pencil (or mini whiteboard)

How to play


  1. Arrange students into pairs.
  2. Separate 0 to 10 number cards and 11 to 20 number cards into two piles.
  3. Shuffle or mix up 11 to 20 number cards and place them in a pile face down.
  4. Shuffle or mix up 0 to 10 number cards and place them in a separate pile face down.

Calculate it!


  1. Player 1 turns over a single 11 to 20 card. This is the target total.
  2. Player 2 turns over four 0 to 10 cards.
  3. Players work together to create a number sentence that equals the target total using the operation word or symbol cards. Players can use some or all of the cards to achieve the total.
  4. Record true addition number sentences on paper or a whiteboard.
  5. If no number sentence can be made, return cards to the bottom of the piles and draw again.
  6. Repeat until 10 number facts have been recorded. Players in pairs should take turns at turning over the cards.


CHANGE it down

  • Provide manipulatives to assist with calculations.

CHANGE it up

  • Write the related addition fact for each true number sentence, eg 4 + 7 = 11 and 7 + 4 = 11.
  • Draw 2 target total cards

What to look for

  • Which students are able to calculate mentally known number facts?
  • Do students rely on only 1 calculation?