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Card games

Compare it!

Strand Number
Topic Compare and order
  • 2
  • < 5 mins
    Prep < 5 mins
  • 5-10 mins
    Play 5-10 mins
  • Pairs
Complexity: Simple
Teaching style: Independent
Movement level: Passive
Compare it!


Students use place value knowledge to compare two 2-digit numbers. This game combines number sense with a little bit of luck.

Curriculum content

  • Compare, order, read and represent numbers to 100


Card sets

  • 1 set of Mathletics number cards 1 to 9 1-9
  • Mathletics operation word cards ‘is more than’ and ‘is less than’

Compare it


  • Counters or tokens

How to play


  1. Arrange students into pairs.
  2. Place the ‘is more than’ and ‘is less than’ cards face up.
  3. Shuffle or mix up the cards and place them in a pile face down.

Compare it


  1. Player 1 selects 2 number cards from the top and places them face up to create a 2-digit number. The player chooses the order of the digits.
  2. Then they select either the ‘is more than’ or ‘is less than’ card and place it beside the number.
  3. Player 1 then draws the next 2 number cards and creates a 2-digit number to complete the number sentence. Again, they can choose the order of the digits.
  4. If the sentence is correct, the player takes a counter or token. Player 2 can help identify if the statement is correct or not.
  5. Player 2 has a turn following the same rules.
  6. Players take turns.
  7. The first player to have 5 counters wins the game. Players should have equal turns before a winner is confirmed. Note: students should take equal turns at playing as Player 1.


CHANGE it down

  • Students have to place the number cards in the order they are drawn and choose the comparison card last.
  • Have students play collaboratively to make correct number sentences. Together they accumulate as many counters as they can. Pairs can work collaboratively against other pairs.

CHANGE it up

  • Use symbol cards < and > instead of word cards.
  • Students select 3 number cards at a time to compare 3-digit numbers.
  • Place the comparison cards face down so this element is chance.

What to look for

  • Ensure students have a strong understanding of place value in constructing numbers using 2 number cards. Ask ‘Which is the tens digit?’ or ‘Which is the units/ones digit?’
  • Listen for the correct use of mathematical language including more than and less than.
  • Can students make informed decisions and justify their selections?
  • Identify whether students can justify why a statement is correct or incorrect.