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Card games

Guess my number

Strand Number
Topic Compare and order
  • 1
  • < 5 mins
    Prep < 5 mins
  • 5-10 mins
    Play 5-10 mins
  • Groups
Complexity: Medium
Teaching style: Independent
Movement level: Passive
Guess my number


Students ask mathematical questions to identify a secret number.

Curriculum content

  • Compare and order 2-digit numbers
  • Use the language of ‘more than’ and ‘less than’


Card sets

  • 1 set of Mathletics number cards 0 to 9 0-9
  • Mathletics operation word cards ‘is more than’ and ‘is less than’

Guess my number


  • 10 counters


How to play


  1. Arrange students into small groups of 3 to 4.
  2. Shuffle or mix up the number cards and place them face down in a pile.
  3. Students place one counter on 1 on the hundreds chart and the other on 100. The other counters are placed in a pile.
  4. Place the ‘is more than’ and ‘is less than’ cards face up beside the hundreds chart.

Guess my number


  1. Player 1 selects 2 cards and uses them to make a 2-digit number. They do not reveal their number to the other players.
  2. Other players take turns to ask Player 1 if the secret number is ‘more than’ or ‘less than’ a number, eg ‘Is the secret number more than 20?’
  3. The answer must be yes or no.
  4. Players can then move the counters on the hundreds chart to reflect the response.
  5. Each player gets one chance to guess the secret number when it is their turn, eg ‘Is the secret number 53?’
  6. If a player guesses incorrectly, they miss a turn.
  7. The player who correctly guesses the number wins and collects one counter from the pile.
  8. The first player to collect 3 counters wins the game.


CHANGE it down

  • Play using Mathletics number cards 0 to 20 and use a number line for support.
  • Group students in pairs to play against another pair.
  • Students work in teams to pick a card so students are supported in asking and answering the questions.
  • Play as a whole class to maximize modeling of language and strategies.

CHANGE it up

  • Students select an operational word card and must ask a question using the vocabulary selected.
  • Play in pairs with both players playing both roles simultaneously.

What to look for

  • Do students understand the mathematical vocabulary?
  • Are students confident asking mathematical questions?
  • Are students confident answering mathematical questions?
  • Are students able to target questions to enable them to identify the number more quickly, eg starting with questions that will halve the number of possible answers such as ‘Is it more than 50?’