Back to card games

Card games

Jump back

Strand Number
Topic Counting
  • 2
  • < 5 mins
    Prep < 5 mins
  • 5-10 mins
    Play 5-10 mins
  • Pairs
Complexity: Simple
Teaching style: Independent
Movement level: Passive
Jump back


A game that practices counting backward by 10s within 100 using the 100 chart.

Curriculum content

  • Count back in tens from any number


Card sets

  • 1 set of Mathletics number cards 0 to 9 0-9

Jump back


  • 20 counters


How to play


  1. Arrange students into pairs.
  2. Shuffle or mix up the cards and place them face down in a pile.
  3. Give each pair a hundred chart and a pile of 20 counters.

Jump back


  1. Player 1 selects 2 number cards and uses them to make the largest possible 2-digit number. This is the starting number. Place a counter on the starting number.
  2. Players take turns to count backward in 10s from the starting number and place a counter on each number.
  3. Players count out loud together the number pattern that they have created.
  4. The player who puts the last counter down receives 1 counter.
  5. Clear the board and play again with the other player selecting the starting number.
  6. The winner is the first player to collect 5 counters.


CHANGE it down

  • Ask students to count backward in 2s using a 0 to 30 number line.

CHANGE it up

  • Ask students to count in 5s.
  • Students write number sentences to record each calculation they make.
  • Play ‘Jump up’.
  • Ask students to predict who will win before they start counting based on the starting number.

What to look for

  • Are students confident counting backward in 10s?
  • Are they using the 100 chart to support them?
  • Were students able to make predictions about who would win by identifying counting patterns and the effect of odd or even 10s?