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Card games

Numbeanie memory

Strand Number
Topic Whole numbers
  • 0
  • < 5 mins
    Prep < 5 mins
  • < 5 mins
    Play < 5 mins
  • Pairs
  • Groups
Complexity: Simple
Teaching style: Independent
Movement level: Active
Numbeanie memory


A game of memory matching numerals with amounts.

Curriculum content

  • Count numbers 1 to 10
  • Recognize numerals 1 to 10


Card sets

  • 1 set of Mathletics number cards 1 to 10 1-10
  • 1 set of Mathletics image cards 1 to 10 1-10

Numbeanie memory

How to play


  1. Arrange students into pairs or small groups.
  2. Shuffle or mix up the cards and arrange them face down in an organized array (eg 5 rows of 4 cards)

Numbeanie memory


  1. Player 1 turns over 2 cards.
  2. If the numeral on 1 card matches the number of images on the other card, they keep both cards and have another turn.
  3. If the cards do not match, they are turned face down again and their turn ends.
  4. Player 2 takes a turn in the same way.
  5. Continue taking turns until all the cards have been matched.
  6. The winner is the player with the most cards once all the matches have been made.


CHANGE it down

  • Reduce the number range to 1 to 5.
  • Students turn over 3 cards at a time to try to make a match.

CHANGE it up

  • Increase the number range to 15 or 20.
  • Substitute the number cards for word cards.

What to look for

  • Can students match a quantity and a numeral?
  • Do students use accurate and efficient counting strategies, eg counting by 2s?
  • Are students able to subitize any of the image cards?