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Card games

Sticks and stones

Strand Number
Topic Counting
  • 0
  • < 5 mins
    Prep < 5 mins
  • 5-10 mins
    Play 5-10 mins
  • Whole class
    Whole class
Complexity: Medium
Teaching style: Teacher led
Movement level: Active
Sticks and stones


A whole class cooperative game where students match numbers to words and pictures.

Curriculum content

  • Read numbers to 10
  • Read number words to 10
  • Count to 10


Card sets

  • 1 set of Mathletics number cards 1 to 10 1-10
  • 1 set of Mathletics word cards 1 to 10 1-10
  • 1 set of Mathletics image cards 1 to 10 1-10

Sticks and stones

How to play


  1. Arrange the whole class into 1 group.
  2. The teacher selects matching sets of number, word and image cards (3 in a set) to suit the number of students in the class. If the class size is not a multiple of 3, assign 1 or 2 ‘watchers’ who observe for each round.
  3. The teacher distributes 1 card to each student. Students do not reveal their card to others.


  1. When the teacher says ‘Go’, players move around the room trying to find 1 other player with a card representing the same value as their own.
  2. When players have found a match, they sit on the floor in a pair. They are ‘stones’.
  3. If players cannot find a match or the pair has already been made, they start a line in number order. They are the ‘sticks’.
  4. The game ends when all players are either correctly lined up or in a pair.
  5. Determine if ‘sticks’ or ‘stones’ won the game. Players may like to keep a tally.
  6. Redistribute cards (and swap roles of ‘watchers’) and play again.


CHANGE it down

  • Assign a card type as the ‘sticks’.

CHANGE it up

  • Play using only non-verbal communication.
  • Play without revealing cards to other students.
  • Include zero cards.
  • Use ‘teen’ numbers.

What to look for

  • Were students able to identify and communicate the number represented on their card?
  • Were students able to confirm the match with other cards?
  • Did students find alternative ways to express the number value of their card?