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Card games

Three of a kind

Strand Number
Topic Counting
  • 0
  • < 5 mins
    Prep < 5 mins
  • 5-10 mins
    Play 5-10 mins
  • Whole class
    Whole class
Complexity: Medium
Teaching style: Teacher led
Movement level: Active
Three of a kind


A whole class cooperative game where students match numbers to words and pictures.

Curriculum content

  • Read numbers to 10
  • Read number words to 10
  • Count to 10


Card sets

  • 1 set of Mathletics number cards 1 to 10 1-10
  • 1 set of Mathletics word cards 1 to 10 1-10
  • 1 set of Mathletics image cards 1 to 10 1-10

Three of a kind

How to play


  1. Arrange the whole class into 1 group.
  2. The teacher selects matching sets of number, word and image cards (3 in a set) to suit the number of students in the class. If the class size is not a multiple of 3, assign 1 or 2 ‘watchers’ who observe for each round.
  3. The teacher distributes 1 card to each student. Students do not reveal their card to others.


  1. When the teacher says ‘Go’, players move around the room trying to find the other 2 cards representing the same value as their own.
  2. When players have found all 3 representations of their number, they sit on the floor in a group.
  3. The game ends when all players have made a group of 3.
  4. Discuss strategies players used and offer an opportunity for any ‘watchers’ to make observations.
  5. Redistribute the cards (and swap roles of ‘watchers’) and play again (see variations).


CHANGE it down

  • Change to pairs using only 2 different card types.

CHANGE it up

  • Play using only non-verbal communication.
  • Play without revealing cards to other students.
  • Include zero cards.
  • Use ‘teen’ numbers.
  • See the extension game version ‘Sticks and stones’.

What to look for

  • Were students able to identify and communicate the number represented on their card?
  • Were students able to confirm the match with other cards?
  • Did students find alternative ways to express the number value of their card?