
The travelers' boat is swept onto the shore in a storm injuring Jiro's tail. As Una, Jiro and Spot seek help they learn about the number 9.

Number focus


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Before reading

What happened in the last chapter? Una, Jiro and Spot stopped to visit a dumpling restaurant. They met a busy spider chef and helped to serve a party of crickets. They enjoyed some delicious dumplings and shared stories from their adventures.

Key themes

Nocturnal animals: In the story Mrs Bat refers to herself and Mr Bat as nocturnal. Many students already have an understanding of ‘nocturnal’ animals. Explore their understanding and discuss the reasons why some animals are active at night — safety from predators, staying cool in hot environments, availability of food, etc. Create a list of 9 nocturnal animals. Explore the special features of nocturnal animals that allow them to be active at night. Without the benefit of light, nocturnal animals have eyes that are more sensitive to light and also rely on other senses of smell and hearing. Some nocturnal animals also use ultrasound and echolocation to move around safely. And some even generate their own light! Discuss how zoos can create habitats that allow nocturnal animals to be viewed actively through the day and our responsibility to care for and respect nocturnal animals during daylight hours.

Visual timeline of a day: Many young students have difficulty understanding the concept of a full day beginning and ending at midnight. Create a timeline of a full day showing when it is light and dark. Use online resources to find sunrise and sunset times or have students record these for themselves. Use images, words or symbols to show the types of activities that happen in the day and night. Compare the students’ timeline with a nocturnal animal. The bats work through the night at the hospital. Discuss other jobs that involve night shifts and why they are important.

The importance of sleep: In the story, Jiro injures her tail. The feeling of being injured is how our body communicates that we are hurt and need help. Sleeping helps Jiro to heal. Use the story as an opportunity to explore the importance of sleep. Sleep is a way for our bodies to rest, grow and stay strong. Although young students are not generally responsible for their own sleeping rules, it is valuable for them to understand the purpose of sleep to help them cooperate with parental guidelines. Compare the number of hours of sleep various animals require to help them survive.

After reading


Standard worksheet 9 Narrative worksheet 9
