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Addition within 5

Let's draw with Emma!

Learning intention

Students will learn how to:

add within 5 using concrete materials.

Success criteria

I will know I have been successful if I can:

add 2 groups of objects by counting carefully.


  • Numbers to 5
  • Counting sequence to 5


Reinforce the use of informal addition language: combines with, join, altogether, makes


  • Different-sized objects cannot be counted the same way.

Before the video

  • Model the need to add 2 groups of objects together and find the total.
  • Have the students provide suggestions of how to find the total number of objects.

During the video

First viewing:

Watch the video without stopping or pausing. Then, ask the children to explain what happened in the video. Begin to draw out key vocabulary or possible misconceptions. 

Second viewing:

Pause point Key learning Action/discussion
1:58 One-to-one correspondence Why does she point at each pencil?
2:05 Finding a total Why is she not counting the 2 sets this time (to find the total)?
2:17 Counting using fingers Why is it useful to count using your fingers?

After the video

Concrete addition activities:

  • Provide children with 2 groups of objects or 2 sets of colored counters.
  • Have them make a total of 5 objects in various ways and record the number sentence, eg 2 and 3 make 5.

Mathletics worksheets:

Download worksheet
