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Addition within 10

Emma is a city planner today. What is she going to build?

Learning intention

Students will learn how to:

add to 10 by combining 2 sets of objects and counting all of them.

Success criteria

I will know I have been successful if I can:

find the total of 2 sets by counting.


  • Numbers to 10
  • Counting forwards to 10
  • Addition within 5


Reinforce the use of addition language: combines with, join, altogether, makes


There is only 1 way to make a particular total.

Before the video

  • Practice counting up to 10 objects using one-to-one correspondence.

During the video

First viewing:

Watch the video without stopping or pausing. Then, ask the children to explain what happened in the video. Begin to draw out key vocabulary or possible misconceptions.

Second viewing:

Pause point Key learning Action/discussion
1:40 Conservation of quantity The tower has been turned on its side. Will it have the same number of blocks now?
4:26 Number pairs How many different ways can we make a tower of 9?

After the video

Mathletics colored block cards #1:

  • Students count the number of blocks in the first colored section and record this number.
  • Students count the number of blocks in the second colored section and record this number.
  • Students count the total number of blocks and record the whole number sentence using informal language.

Mathletics colored block cards #2:

  • Students take one block card each.
  • Ask students to find others with the same total of blocks on their card.
  • Students share the number sentence showing on their card using informal language, eg ‘1 yellow block and 5 blue blocks make 6 blocks altogether’.

Download block cards

Mathletics worksheets:

  • Colored blocks addition worksheet

Download worksheet

Download other worksheets

Towers of 9 problem solving challenge:

  • Students create as many towers of 9 cubes as they can by combining different numbers.
  • Students record their number sentences.