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Counting to 20

Let's take a look inside Ed's collection crate. I wonder what he collects?

Learning intention

Students will learn how to:

count to 20 using 1–1 correspondence.

Success criteria

I will know I have been successful if I can:

count a collection of up to 20 objects by counting up and check by counting back.


Counting sequence to 20 forward and backward


Reinforce the use of mathematical language: count, count forward, count backward


  • All objects in a count must look the same.
  • It does not matter if you count objects more than once.

Before the video

  • Engage children in the theme of ‘collecting’ by asking what they collect.
  • Place a collection crate in the classroom and ask children what collections they could create in the classroom.
  • Discuss what makes a collection and how we know how many objects are in each collection.

During the video

First viewing:

Watch the video without stopping or pausing. Then, ask the children to explain what happened in the video. Begin to draw out key vocabulary or possible misconceptions. 

Second viewing:

Pause the video at the following stages to create class instructions on how to count collections successfully.

Pause point Key learning Action/discussion
0:54 Number line Ask children how the objects have been labeled. What does it remind them of? Compare to the classroom number line resources they are familiar with.
1:18 Checking counting by counting backward  How did he check his counting? How was it different to how the stones were first counted? Highlight that he counted backward.
2:11 Organizing collections to count   Ask children why he has asked for the erasers to be in single file. Explore what this means and how it makes counting easier.
2:50 Need to check counting What mistake was made? Discuss the impact of counting an object twice.

After the video

Class collection crate:

  • Students select collections from the class collection crate and lay the objects out in single file.
  • Students lay out Mathletics number cards to create a number line and count the objects in the collection.
  • Students check the number of objects by counting backward and returning the objects in the collection to the collection crate.

‘My collection crate’ checklist task:

  • Students create their own collection crate using objects in the classroom.
  • Students use the ‘My collection crate’ worksheet to make a checklist for the collections in their crate.
  • Students can swap their checklist with a partner to check their counting.

Download resource

Mathletics worksheet:

Download worksheet

Counting strategies:

  • Display car counting shot from the video (3:52).
  • Explore how else the cars could be counted (eg in twos).
  • Select the Mathletics number cards to make a ‘counting in twos’ number line.
  • Instruct students to practice counting collections in twos.  