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Subtraction within 10

What kind of magic is Emma cooking up today?

Learning intention

Students will learn how to:

subtract numbers within 10 using fingers to check.

Success criteria

I will know I have been successful if I can:

  • say how many are left when I take a number of objects away from a group
  • use my fingers to check that I have counted correctly.


  • Numbers to 10
  • Addition to 10
  • Count forward and backward up to 10


Reinforce the use of the language of subtraction: take away, makes, left, count, # take away # is #

Before the video

  • Count up to 10 and back on fingers.

During the video

First viewing:

Watch the video without stopping or pausing. Then, ask the children to explain what happened in the video. Begin to draw out key vocabulary or possible misconceptions.

Second viewing:

Pause point Key learning Action/discussion
1:10 6 take away 2 leaves 4 Show 6 take away 2 using your fingers.
2:39 9 take away 3 is 6 Show 9 take away 3 using your fingers.
3:02 Estimate how many in a group Quick pause! How many tomatoes do you think there are?
3:37 10 take away 7 is 3 Show 10 take away 7 using your fingers.
End 1 take away 1 is zero Show 1 take away 1 using your fingers.

After the video

Subtraction practice:

  • Demonstration: Show the students 6 objects. Take 3 away. Ask students to describe what you did (taken some away). Ask, ‘Do I have more or less than I had before?’ Model counting how many you had, counting how many you took away and counting how many you have left. State the number sentence, ‘6 take way 3 is 3’. Repeat.
  • Ask the students to count out # objects. Everybody take # objects away. How many are left? Can you show me with your fingers? Show # fingers. Take # away. There are # left.

Pair activity:

  • Work with up to 10 objects. One student takes some objects away (or none). The other student shows this with their fingers and they both verbalize the number sentence.

Mathletics worksheets:

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