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The language of length

Ed is making something with clay! What could it be?

Learning intention

Students will learn how to:

describe and compare lengths using direct comparison.

Success criteria

I will know I have been successful if I can:

  • compare lengths by lining up the ends
  • correctly use the language of longer, shorter, longest, shortest to describe lengths.




Reinforce the use of the language of length: long, longer, longest, short, shorter, shortest


  • Thicker lengths are shorter.
  • Longer lengths are skinnier.

Before the video

  • Introduce children to the vocabulary of length through play activities.
  • Set up a clay table for children to explore working with clay.

During the video

First viewing:

Watch the video without stopping or pausing. Then, ask the children to explain what happened in the video. Begin to draw out key vocabulary or possible misconceptions.

Second viewing:

Pause point Key learning Action/discussion
1:51 Comparing lengths by lining up one side Ask students how lining up lengths helps to decide which is longest/shortest.
4:08 Longest, shortest What is longest and shortest?
4:28 Shorter Can you identify something that is shorter than the whiteboard?
4:34 Same length How do you find out if two things are the same length?

After the video

Mathletics length comparison cards:

  • Ask the students to discuss and predict which object they think is longer or shorter on each card.
  • Provide students with various materials and objects (eg, clay or string) so they can compare the length of the objects on the cards. Remind students about the importance of the baseline.
  • Students decide and justify which objects are longer/shorter/longest/shortest. Discuss and address the concept of conservation of length using the cards that compare straight and curvy lines.

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Mathletics worksheets:

Download worksheet

Snail making:

  • Follow the instructions to create a snail using different lengths of paper. Use the language of length (longer, longest, shorter, shortest) as students color, cut out and fold the various lengths.

Download resource
