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Counting to 5

Ed's just received 5 packages! I wonder what's inside.

Learning intention

Students will learn how to:

count up to 5 objects.

Success criteria

I will know I have been successful if I can:

  • count up to 5 objects
  • count and show up to 5 fingers.


  • Verbal number sequence 1 to 5


Reinforce the use of mathematical language: count, count forward, count backward


  • Objects that look different cannot be counted the same way.

Before the video

  • Seat the class in a circle and count around the circle from 1 to 5 until everyone has had a turn. Repeat, but count backward from 5 to 1. Have students follow the counting using their fingers.
  • Drop objects into a container out of view (up to 5 objects) so that each object makes a noise. Have the students listen, count on their fingers and state how many objects were dropped in.

During the video

First viewing:

Watch the video without stopping or pausing. Then, ask the children to explain what happened in the video. Begin to draw out key vocabulary or possible misconceptions.

Second viewing:

Pause point Key learning Action/discussion
0:41 Count 5 objects Let’s count with Ed.
2:28 Count 2 objects How many kazoos are there? Show me with your fingers.
3:34 Count backwards from 3 Let’s count backwards with Ed.
4:28 Count 4 objects How many stickers are there? Show me with your fingers.

After the video

Counting stations:

  • Set-up counting tables with groups of up to 5 parcels/objects to count. Ask children to match a Mathletics number card to each group of objects.

My own number cards:

  • Students make their own number cards – write each number 1 to 5 and draw/paint/stamp that number of objects on their cards.

Counting bead strings:

  • Students make their own counting strings with beads from 1 to 5.

Mathletics worksheets:

Download worksheet
